JB Pritzker, Governor, State of Illinois

Help IllinoisCAN Expand Statewide


You're invited to join the first meeting in 2023 of the Illinois College Access Network (IllinoisCAN), taking place on January 26th from 9-10 a.m. (CT). The meeting will be online, allowing for participation by colleagues across the state who are passionate about and dedicated to helping students prepare for life after high school. Please register/RSVP here to attend.

IllinoisCAN has always been about relationship building and supporting collaboration among its members. As we move into 2023, this meeting is the first of many opportunities to be provided for professionals all over Illinois to meet and learn from each other as we grow to a truly statewide network dedicated to improving postsecondary access and success for low-income and first-generation college students in Illinois. In addition to networking, IllinoisCAN provides you and your organization with opportunities for increased visibility of your work, professional development, and industry-related research and information. Visit the IllinoisCAN website to learn more about the network.

We look forward to seeing you on January 26th to share more on network plans and ways you can get involved with IllinoisCAN. If you have questions about the meeting or IllinoisCAN, please send an e-mail message to ISAC.IllinoisCAN@illinois.gov.

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