JB Pritzker, Governor, State of Illinois

2021-22 MAP System Updates Implemented


Unless otherwise noted, links in this message are to corresponding pages at the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) website (isac.org).

The following information is being shared to assist colleges in the administration of the Monetary Award Program (MAP).

Effective immediately, the 2021-22 MAP system:

  • reflects the release of all previously-suspended award announcements (application receipt dates from February 1, 2022 forward);
  • reflects previously-submitted late claim results; and,
  • accepts payment requests (claims) for all terms.

Refer to the March 18 e-Message for further details.

Watch for Future Updates

ISAC staff continues to analyze application and claim volume to determine by how much second- and third-term award amounts will be increased, as well as to evaluate the best manner to implement those increases in light of business considerations for the institutions and the agency. Our goal remains to best leverage the full $479.5 million fiscal year 2022 MAP appropriation so as to provide meaningful assistance to the greatest possible number of eligible students, while also providing financial aid administrators as much time as possible to adjust award packages before the end of the academic year. You will be notified via ISAC's usual communication methods (i.e., the MAP Program News page, the FAA Message Board, and this e-Messaging service) as more information regarding 2021-22 MAP becomes available – including details regarding the likely increase of second- and third-term award amounts.

Identifying Student Records – MAP Filter/Report

Colleges will want to identify released student records for a variety of reasons (i.e., file review and repackaging, etc.). The MAP Student List Eligibility: View screen contains filters that allow you to identify those student records.

To identify student records released from suspense, create a list using a date range. For example, you can create a report that identifies students by application receipt date (i.e., the initial FAFSA or Alternative Application receipt date) using the 2021-22 release from suspension dates (February 1, 2022 through the current date) to identify the records in that range.

The filter will also allow the user to create a report of records in suspense status, when applicable.

Further details regarding identifying student records are provided at the Suspension of MAP Award Announcements page (located within the MAP section of the ISAC Gift Assistance Programs area), as well as in the "Student Eligibility" chapter of the MAP User Guide.

Late Claims Released for Payment

All 2021-22 MAP first- and second-term claims that were submitted after each term's priority claim deadline date have been released for payment, with results now appearing in the MAP system.

Submit Third-term* Claims
(Also Submit All First-term and Second-term Claims)

The MAP system is now accepting 2021-22 MAP claims for the third term* and also is accepting all first- and second-term claims.

In order to be considered timely, the following 2021-22 MAP claims must be submitted – via either the MAP system or File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – by the third-term priority claim deadline date (which will be announced once determined).

  • For third term*:
    • initial claims, and
    • increases to previously-submitted claims.
  • For first term and second term:
    • initial claims,
    • increases to previously-submitted claims,
    • claims for awards released from suspense, and
    • late claims.

Specific details regarding the payment process are provided in the MAP Payment area, as well as in the “Payment” chapter of the MAP User Guide.

* "Third term" is defined as the third quarter or – for institutions where the second semester begins after February 15th – the second semester.

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If you have any questions regarding this e-Message, please contact ISAC's School Services Department by calling toll free at 866.247.2172 or sending an e-mail message to isac.schoolservices@illinois.gov.