JB Pritzker, Governor, State of Illinois

My Zone

My Zone is the portal through which online interactions for the purposes of data inquiries, eligibility announcements and payment requests for ISAC-administered programs are conducted. Due to the confidential nature of the student-specific data involved, a secure authentication process is required before access can be granted.

Assigning an Administrator

This page provides the steps to follow for easy access to My Zone. ISAC will rely on a contact person, or Administrator, at each institution to authorize users. The My Zone Administrator will ultimately be responsible for monitoring passwords, staff access, and security for a variety of ISAC programs. The request for institutional access should come from the Financial Aid Director.

The same User Name and Password can be used for all programs to which a user has been granted access by the My Zone Administrator designated at each school. As additional ISAC programs are added to My Zone, the administrator must access My Zone User Maintenance and update the program access and level for each user.

My Zone Log On

This page will allow new administrators to sign up or existing users to Log On. Assigning an Administrator provides easy-to-follow steps for obtaining the appropriate code and log on.

My Zone Programs

The following are available as part of My Zone. Click on the link(s) in the right menu to learn about each functionality.

  • Teacher Education Scholarship Programs (TESP) 

General questions, user name and password maintenance, and technical information about My Zone can be answered from this section. If you have a question that is not addressed, contact a School Services Representative.