JB Pritzker, Governor, State of Illinois

Coming Soon: Changes to ISAC's Partner Services!


Over the next month, we will be implementing an exciting change in the Program Services and Compliance Division, home to our Partner Services team. Led by Assistant Director Kim Eck, the Partner Services team provides training, program information, and support to school and other ISAC partners. They are also a partner to ILASFAA and other professional organizations.

Beginning soon, Partner Services will be fully assuming the responsibilities of the former School Services Department, following the retirement of Mary Lewis in December 2023. School Services has been your primary contact for all high school and college inquiries, and following the transition, the new home for this will be Partner Services. This team – including Stephanie Claudio, Daniela Rios, and Sherry Schonauer, along with Kim – has routinely assisted School Services over the years, so you can continue to expect helpful, timely and accurate information.

We'll be sharing additional high-level details at the upcoming ILASFAA conference and any additional information once the transition is complete. In the interim, we ask that you please continue to send all inquiries to:

Phone: 866.247.2172
Fax: 847.831.8549
E-mail: isac.schoolservices@illinois.gov
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. CT

We know there may be some delays and speedbumps as we make this transition, and we are responding to e-mail and phone inquiries as rapidly as we can. ISAC staff from several areas of the division are working together in the short-term to provide school partners with up-to-date information and guidance. The Partner Services team is increasingly taking on more of the responsibilities, so we are optimistic for a smooth transition once it's fully underway. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement our plan.

As a reminder, the ISAC website has many resources to answer general questions; here are some areas you will find helpful:

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If you have any questions regarding this e-Message, please contact ISAC's School Services Department by calling toll free at 866.247.2172 or sending an e-mail message to isac.schoolservices@illinois.gov.