JB Pritzker, Governor, State of Illinois

2023-24 MTI Awarding Has Commenced


Unless otherwise noted, links in this message are to corresponding pages at the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) website (isac.org).

Awarding has taken place for all 2023-24 Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program timely renewal applicants who have been certified as eligible. Award notifications will be mailed to awarded students by ISAC today.

Future rounds of awarding will follow the priority order outlined in the Award Determination for MTI section of the ISAC Gift Assistance Programs area, with timely renewal applicants first in the order.

Award Information Available via the MTI System

Colleges may now access 2023-24 eligible award information, including funded or unfunded status, using the MTI system, where all online processing for the MTI Scholarship Program is done. Award results may be viewed using the "Student List Eligibility: View" screen of the MTI system.

Online Resources

Resources regarding the awarding process, including the MTI User Guide, may be accessed via the MTI Electronic Processing area, as well as in the Award Determination for MTI section.

Continue Certifying Records – No Impact from Recent Legal Decisions

The recent Supreme Court decisions pertaining to college admission practices had no impact on financial aid, meaning ISAC continues to administer all of our programs, including MTI, with no changes and in accordance with our administrative rules. Consequently, in order to ensure qualified applicants are considered for available program funding, be sure to continue certifying records for both renewal and new applicants so they are included in future rounds of awarding and receive the appropriate notifications.

Watch for Updates

Program updates – including the start of the 2023-24 MTI payment cycle (anticipated for late August) – will be announced via our usual means of communication: the FAA Message Board, the MTI Program News page, and/or this e-Messaging system.

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If you have any questions regarding this e-Message, please contact ISAC's School Services Department by calling toll free at 866.247.2172 or sending an e-mail message to isac.schoolservices@illinois.gov.