Leave of Absence for SETTW
{ISAC Rules, Section 2765.30}
The Illinois SETTW exempts recipients from the payment of tuition and mandatory fees for up to four calendar years at one of the public four-year Illinois colleges. A recipient must remain enrolled on a continuous basis during the regular school year for four years, unless granted a leave of absence. A recipient must complete his or her course of study within six years, including any approved leave of absence.
The institution approves all leave(s) of absence. A recipient may be granted a leave of absence by the president of the institution, or his/her designee, for any of the following reasons:
- earning funds to defray the recipient’s educational expenses;
- illness of the recipient or a member of the recipient’s immediate family, as established by the sworn statement of a licensed physician; or
- military service.
A leave of absence granted for military service shall not be considered part of the six years within which a recipient must complete a degree.
The Illinois SETTW Leave of Absence (LOA) Form is not required to be submitted to ISAC with the Tuition Waiver Conversion Form (TWCF) however, the start and end dates and type of LOA granted must be listed on the TWCF. A copy of the military orders and any other documentation to support granting a leave of absence should be kept in the recipient's file.