Who Should Apply
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) administers the Illinois Special Education Teacher Tuition Waiver (SETTW) Program to encourage students to become teachers. The tuition waiver is for teachers and academically talented students pursuing a career in special education who teach at one of the following Illinois schools that has been approved by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE):
- a nonprofit public, private or parochial preschool, or
- a nonprofit public, private or parochial elementary school, or
- a nonprofit public, private or parochial secondary school.
The program has specific eligibility requirements and award determination criteria. One of the provisions for this tuition waiver is that after graduation or termination of enrollment, you must teach according to the program requirements within a certain time frame, or the waiver becomes a loan.
Read all the information provided with the online application to learn about this teacher education program. Talk to your college advisor about your plans to become a teacher and talk to the financial aid counselor on your campus to learn about the application and eligibility requirements, deadlines, and the teaching requirement you must fulfill if you are awarded a tuition waiver.
Becoming a teacher is a significant educational commitment. Accepting this tuition waiver is also a serious financial commitment, because if the teaching requirement for the tuition waiver received is not completed, you will be left with a loan that must be repaid. If this tuition waiver is not a suitable option for you, we encourage you to investigate other sources of financial aid.