JB Pritzker, Governor, State of Illinois

2021-22 Year-End Program Updates


Unless otherwise noted, links in this message are to corresponding pages at the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) website (isac.org).

The following information is being provided to assist colleges with year-end processing for the ISAC-administered programs referenced below.

Monetary Award Program (MAP)

  • All 2021-22 MAP late payment requests (claims) received at ISAC through (including) Friday, July 8, 2022 have been released for payment and results are available in the MAP system.
    • Information regarding how to access payment results is provided in the "Payment" chapter of the MAP User Guide.
  • ISAC will continue to accept 2021-22 MAP initial claims and increases to previously-submitted claims for all terms through (including) Friday, July 15, 2022.
    • ISAC will notify colleges if sufficient MAP funds remain available to pay late claims submitted through July 15.
    • Colleges are encouraged to continue the process of reconciling 2021-22 MAP data, which assists ISAC staff in determining whether sufficient funds will be available to pay additional late claims.
  • Adjustments to cancel or reduce previously-submitted MAP claims will continue to be accepted through (including) Friday, August 5, 2022.*
  • Effective Monday, August 8, 2022, 2021-22 data in the MAP system will become available for historical view only.**

Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program

  • ISAC will continue to accept 2021-22 MTI Scholarship initial claims and increases to previously-submitted claims for all terms through (including) Friday, July 15, 2022.
  • Adjustments to cancel or reduce previously-submitted MTI Scholarship claims will continue to be accepted through (including) Friday, August 5, 2022.*
  • Effective Monday, August 8, 2022, 2021-22 data in the MTI system will become available for historical view only.**

Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois Program

  • ISAC will continue to accept 2021-22 Golden Apple initial claims and increases to previously-submitted claims for all terms through (including) Friday, July 15, 2022.
  • Adjustments to cancel or reduce previously-submitted Golden Apple claims will continue to be accepted through (including) Friday, August 5, 2022.*
  • Effective Monday, August 8, 2022, 2021-22 data in the Golden Apple system will become available for historical view only.**

* Continue Reconciling MAP, MTI Scholarship and Golden Apple Data

Remember, due to the payment offset process, only data reconciliation activities should take place at this time for the 2021-22 MAP, MTI Scholarship and Golden Apple programs. After ISAC determines that all payment processing is final, colleges with an outstanding amount owed to ISAC will receive an e-mail notice indicating the total amount to be returned for each program. Until then, no funds should be returned to ISAC.

Illinois National Guard (ING) Grant Program

  • The ING Grant system will continue to accept 2021-22 benefit usage data for all terms through (including) Friday, August 5, 2022.
    • Although ISAC will not be able to reimburse institutions for 2021-22 ING Grant awards and all deadline dates have passed, reporting of enrollment hours must still take place as soon as possible so that benefit usage (i.e., eligibility units) can be accurately assessed to students' accounts.
  • Effective Monday, August 8, 2022, 2021-22 data in the ING Grant system will become available for historical view only.**

Illinois Veteran Grant (IVG) Program

  • The IVG system will continue to accept 2021-22 benefit usage data for all terms through (including) Friday, August 5, 2022.
    • Although ISAC will not be able to reimburse institutions for 2021-22 IVG awards and all deadline dates have passed, reporting of enrollment hours must still take place as soon as possible so that benefit usage (i.e., eligibility units) can be accurately assessed to students' accounts.
  • Effective Monday, August 8, 2022, 2021-22 data in the IVG system will become available for historical view only.**

** As a reminder, reports continue to be available for colleges to access after data has been moved to historical view. However, after submitting claims or adjustments, colleges are encouraged to always review the Payment/Benefits Results Exceptions report that is available the next business day.

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If you have any questions regarding this e-Message, please contact ISAC's School Services Department by calling toll free at 866.247.2172 or sending an e-mail message to isac.schoolservices@illinois.gov.